
Employment Assistance:
Please check out all of the employment links on the gray sidebar, near the top of the page. There is also information on returning to school and financial aid located there.

La Pine WorkSource Connection

16493 Bluewood Place

La Pine, OR 97739

541-536-5380, ext. 217 phone
541-536-9418 fax

Hours: M-F, 8-4:30


Adult Job Training - COIC
and Experience Works
Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council - COIC receives grants and contracts to provide retraining and employment services throughout
Central Oregon. BCC and COIC collaborate to help COIC clients develop or improve skills so they become job ready, employed, self-sufficient and/or complete educational goals. COIC sends BCC as many as 12 clients a week who are required to complete between 10-30 hours of community service/job training until they find suitable employment. Ages vary, but most are under the age of 30 and are considered hard to employee due to a disability or a lack of work experience. These individuals receive skills in office work, operating the register or learning customer service in the Thriftstore, janitorial work or skills in catering and food prep. BCC staff assist and evaluate their skills, attitude, learning capacity, demeanor, dress, etc. and hold weekly one-on-one sessions with each client to discuss how they are doing, and where and what they need to improve in order to obtain or keep a job.

Work Source (Bend): 388-6070

Unemployment Insurance: (Bend) 388-6207

Address of Dun and Bradstreet Companies in Oregon: www.dnb.powerprofiles.com/Oregon

Klamath Falls:
Klamath Falls PDF Print E-mail
WorkSource Centers
Klamath Falls - Klamath County801 Oak Avenue
Klamath Falls OR 97601
(541) 883-5630 - Employers/Job Seekers
(541) 883-5540 - FAX
Unemployment Claims are not handled by the local office. Please click here to find out where to call.
(800) 663-7914 - Unemployment Toll Free
(866) 345-1878 - FAX

711 Oregon Relay Service
Weekly Claim Line Numbers
Hours:8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday
(Closed on legal holidays)
Services & Partner Information


Employment Information:

Link to 2-1-1 Central Oregon Website:

American Red Cross - Bend- Link:

Family and Misc. Resource Websites with Links:

Links to local, state and national websites offering assistance with human resources of all kinds.

(If you would like a human resource link listed here, please email me with your suggestions. Non-profits only in this section, please.)

ASPIRES: Website and Resource Link for Autism:

Assistance League of Bend Website Link:

Children's Trust Fund of Oregon Resource Links:

La Pine St.. Vincent de Paul Website Link:

Central Oregon Family Resource Center Link:

Deschutes Children's Foundation: La Pine Community Campus

Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities Link:

Disability Resources for the State of Oregon

Michigan State Library Grant Information Link:


Northwest Education Collaboration Link (nearly 100 links!)

State of Oregon: DHS

Oregon Council on Aging Website: